How to Sell Your Home at the Best Price ?

Are you ready to sell your home? Whether you're just starting to make your plans or you're ready to list now, you likely want to know how you can get top dollar. It's going to take more than just throwing up a high price on the listing and waiting for a buyer to show up with a check. With that in mind, here are three secrets to ensuring that when you sell your house or condo, you get the best possible price.

The 3 Golden Rules of Home Staging

When it comes to staging your home to sell, it can sometimes seem like there are so many things to do that it's hard to know what will make a real difference. Since staging is such an important aspect of successfully selling your home, here are the three golden rules for how you can make it work for you!

Moving Tips - The Top Tips To Remember When Moving

The Top Tips To Remember When Moving

If you have recently purchased a home, you are probably excited to move into your new house; however, the moving process can be stressful. There are a few important tips you need to keep in mind if you are moving soon. Make sure to plan ahead, as there are several ways to save time and money.

An Overview Of A Drive By Appraisal

If you are applying for a home loan of any kind, there is a high likelihood that your lender will require a home appraisal. An appraisal is done to figure out how much your home is actually worth because the lender does not want to lend you more money than you could theoretically sell the home for in the future. There are some situations where the lender might be fine with a drive/by appraisal. What does this mean?

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